Coach Responses to Questionnaire (60 Respondents)
Stall Procedures Revised Questions | YES(%) | NO (%) |
1. Do you prefer giving a wrestler a choice of position on the second stalling call rather than a point? | 73% | 27% |
2. Do you believe that stalling should be separate from the progressive penalty chart due to its subjectivity? | 64% | 36% |
3. Do you like the double stalling call? | 76% | 24% |
4. Do you like stalemates rather than calling stalling during the 30-Second Tiebreaker? | 90% | 10% |
5. Do you like the "Stall Procedure: Revised" better than how stalling is presently called throughout the country? | 88% | 12% |
General Stalling Questions
1. Do you believe that stalling will ever be called the same by different officials? | 2% | 98% |
2. Whether or not you agree with an official's philosophy on stalling, do you appreciate if he is consistent in the way he calls stalling? | 96% | 4% |
Official Responses to Questionnaire (39 Respondents)
Stall Procedure: Revised Questions | YES | NO |
1. Do you prefer giving a wrestler a choice of position on the second stalling call rather than a point? | 64% | 36% |
2. Do you believe that stalling should be separate from the progressive penalty chart due to its subjectivity? | 65% | 35% |
3. Do you like the double stalling call? | 89% | 11% |
4. Do you like stalemates rather than calling stalling during the 30-Second Tiebreaker? | 84% | 16% |
5. Do you like the "Stall Procedure: Revised" better than how stalling is presently called throughout the country? | 63% | 37% |
1. Do you believe that stalling will ever be called the same by different officials? | 8% | 92% |
2. Whether or not you agree with an official's philosophy on stalling, do you appreciate if he is consistent in the way he calls stalling? | 94% | 6% |
Total Responses (coaches & officials) to Questionnaire (99 Respondents)
Stall Procedure: Revised Questionnaire | YES | NO |
1. Do you prefer giving a wrestler a choice of position on the second stalling call rather than a point? | 70% | 30% |
2. Do you believe that stalling should be separate from the progressive penalty chart due to its subjectivity? | 64% | 36% |
3. Do you like the double stalling call? | 81% | 19% |
4. Do you like stalemates rather than calling stalling during the 30-Second Tiebreaker? | 88% | 12% |
5. Do you like the "Stall Procedure: Revised" better than how stalling is presently called throughout the country? | 79% | 21% |
1. Do you believe that stalling will ever be called the same by different officials? | 4% | 96% |
2. Whether or not you agree with an official's philosophy on stalling, do you appreciate if he is consistent in the way he calls stalling? | 95% | 5% |
Coaches' Comments:
1. Worked really well, but you might want to call stalemates a little more
and sooner.
2. Liked it better than last year's rule.
3. I actually liked it. It gives a wrestler an advantage in the match to earn more
point(s) that are not given to him.
4. I feel the rule is effective as used this season. I appreciate the constant effort
at trying to improve our sport.
5. I believe that it has been a good revision and should be kept as is.
6. The consistency of calling stalling from area to area was unbelievable.
7. We need to call more stalling to help the sport of wrestling.
8. Better than last year's original stall procedure with all choices.
We needed to bring back points after first choice of position.
9. I have liked this year's version better ... knowing points are coming rather than
a choice each time.
10. Fine.
11. Do not like it. States need to stay consistent.
12. I think the revised stall procedure put to much control of a match in the hands
of the official. Keep trying ... we really need something worked out.
13. Go back to the Federation stall procedure.
14. I don't think that it has changed the way officials call stalling. Stalling should
not be called in the 30-second tiebreaker.
15. I like it better than the old system. Since referees can not be consistent, let the
kids determine who wins. This system is better.
16. I liked the choice of position after warning before points are awarded.
17. On the right track.
18. Probably the best overall plan.
19. It seems to work well when the officials understand its concept.
20. It works as well as any procedure we used in the past.
21. I think what the majority of states go by, that's what we should do.
22. The stall procedure isn't the problem -- the problem is the way an official
takes control of the match.
23. It works. Keep it like it is.
Officials' Comments:
1. Personally, I think this procedure is excellent, with no stalling in the 30-second
Tiebreaker, only quick stalemates when the top man is hanging.
2. It works. I hope the NF considers the approach and utilizes at least various
aspects of it.
3. I like it better than all choice of position.
4. I like the one choice of position because it provides for an advantage but does
not award points. After all, most matches rarely get to the 3rd stalling call.
5. For officials that officiate in different states it is confusing. But I have heard
from other states that came to wrestle in West Virginia that they liked this
6. I think it is better than last year's experiment.
7. I believe it is the best way of calling stalling.
8. I appreciate what has been tried. However, I think stalling should be called
the same in all states.
9. I like it. It gives the other wrestler a chance to take his position that he is
best at.
10. I think it makes a timid official even more so.
11. I like the stalemates in the 30-second Tiebreaker, unless there is blatant
12. 1 like it. It worked well.
13. 1 think it gives a wrestler the chance to stall twice without points.
14. The choice of position continues to allow some wrestlers to use this "no point
awarded" call to their advantage late in the third period.
15. I feel it gives the wrestler two chances to stall.
16. I appreciate the idea of not awarding a point on the second call because
stalling is such a subjective infraction to call.
17. Call stalling like the other states do.
18. It is working well and I hope others see this.
19. The Stall Procedure: Revised works very well, and seems to be liked by
many officials and coaches.
20. I like most of the procedure, except for the no stalling call in the tiebreaker.
21. It's a good procedure, but we really should be consistent with the rest of the
22. I would prefer to stay the same as NF.
23. I think the second call being a choice of position is an improvement; however,
I think stalling should be called in the tiebreaker.
24. I like it. The Stall Procedure-Revised is an improvement. Keep it.
Compiled by:
Dr. William A. Welker
Rules Interpreter - WVSSAC
110 North Huron Street
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003