West Virginia High School 

Top West Virginia Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen: 2024-25

This page composed March, 2025.

This page reviews the 2024-25 West Virginia State High School Wrestling Tournament and includes those 2024-254 seniors and juniors who placed in the top three, sophomores who placed in the top five, and freshmen who placed in the top six. A few additional stats and comments are added to allow you to draw your own conclusions.

Top Seniors - AAA

This year 19 seniors placed in the top three at the AAA state tournament:

Top Seniors - AA/A

This year 16 seniors placed in the top three at the AA/A state tournament:

Top Juniors - AAA

This year 9 juniors placed in the top three at the AAA state tournament:

Top Juniors - AA/A

This year 11 juniors placed in the top three at the AA/A state tournament:

Top Sophomores - AAA

This year 13 sophomores placed in the top five at the AAA state tournament:

Top Sophomores - AA/A

This year 14 sophomores placed in the top five at the AA/A state tournament:

Top Freshmen - AAA

This year 11 freshmen placed in the top six at the AAA state tournament:

Top Freshmen - AA/A

This year 8 freshmen placed in the top six at the AA/A state tournament:

Undefeated in 2024-25

Brock Kehler, University Jr 40-0

2025 Four-time state placewinners

Wrestlers to watch in 2026

Looking to defend or reclaim state championships in 2026

Seniors in 2026 (2024-25 Weight Class)
Kai Plinski, Washington: AAA 120
Jason Walker, Fairmont Senior (AA/A 2023): AAA 138
Blake Ringer, East Fairmont: AA/A 144
Jesse Adams, Independence: AA/A 190
Isaac Martin: AA/A 215

Juniors in 2026 (2024-25) weight class)
Seth Drennen, Parkersburg: AAA 106
Stephen Myers, Parkersburg: AAA 132
Dominic Way, Parkersburg: AAA 138
Maximus Fortier, Fairmont Senior: AAA 157
Matthew Kesterson, Greenbrier West: AA/A 106
Jackson Swingle Keyser: AA/A 126
Carter Price, Point Pleasant: AA/A 132
Eli Tedrow, Wheeling Central: AA/A 157
Tony Preolitti, East Fairmont: AA/A 165

Sophomores in 2026 (2024-25 weight class)
Colston Skeen, Parkersburg: AAA 126
Brody Kehler, University: AAA 165
Josh Bostic, Herbert Hoover: AA/A 113
Dutch Sandy, Williamstown: AA/A 120

Looking to become a four-time state champion

Jesse Adams, Independence, 2026
Maximus Fortier, Fairmont Senior, 2027
Stephen Myers, Parkersburg, 2027
Carter Price, Point Pleasant, 2027
Jackson Swingle, Keyser, 2027
Josh Bostic, Herbert Hoover, 2028
Brody Kehler, University, 2028
Dutch Sandy, Williamstown, 2028
Colston Skeen, Parkersburg, 2028

Looking to become four-time state placewinners

Seniors in 2026
Jesse Adams, Independence
Ben Barrett, Huntington
Colton Gillespie, University
John Knight, Bridgeport
Isaac Martin, Wheeling Central
Bobby Minor, Point Pleasant
Carter Neal, Ripley
Dallas Owens, Spring Mills
Kai Plinski, Washington
Blake Ringer, East Fairmont
Paxton Smith, Braxton County
Jason Walker, Fairmont Senior
Malaki Washington, Wheeling Park

Juniors in 2026
L. J. Anderson, Cabell Midland
Braxton Birch, Wheeling Central
Lars Cooper, Parkersburg
Maximus Fortier, Fairmont Senior
Seth Drennen, Parkersburg
Kaden Hensley, Chapmanville
Matthew Kesterson, Greenbrier West
Eli Knight, Bridgeport
Kayden McDonald, Parkersburg
Lane Metcalf, Keyser
Stephen Myers, Parkersburg
Tony Preolitti, East Fairmont
Carter Price, Point Pleasant
Cole Smith, Williamstown
Haydyn Spitznogle, Fairmont Senior
Jackson Swingle, Keyser
Eli Tedrow, Wheeling Central
Garrett Van Meter, East Hardy

Sophomores in 2026
Josh Bostic, Herbert Hoover
Talen Brown, Cameron
Zayden Cordeiro, Ritchie County
Kendrick Durst, Ripley
Dallas Goodrich, Gilmer County
Shad Henry, Huntington
Brayden Jones, Woodrow Wilson
Brody Kehler, University
Maverick Lilley, Cameron
Jacob Lowdermilk, Hurricane
Nico Maisel, University
Dutch Sandy, Williamstown
Bryson Simmons, Cabell Midland
Colston Skeen, Parkersburg
Solomon Truman, Oak Hill
Tyler Varney, Independence
Asa Yost, Parkersburg South
Jake Welsh, Hurricane
Parker Woods, Parkersburg

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Updated March 15, 2025