This page composed April 2, 2020. This page reviews the 2017-18 West Virginia State High School Wrestling Tournament and includes those 2017-18 seniors and juniors who placed in the top three, sophomores who placed in the top five, and freshmen who placed in the top six. A few additional stats and comments are added to allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Attention wrestlers and coaches: If you have other "credentials" to add to your listing here (a good finish in other major tournaments, statistics, etc) let us know and we can update your stats!
Top Seniors - AAA This year 14 seniors placed in the top three at the AAA state tournament:
- Josh Humphreys, Parkersburg South: Champion 152 (49-2); Champion 145 (45-2) St. Albans as a junior; Champion 120 (41-1) St. Albans as a sophomore; Champion 106 (33-2) Huntington as a freshman; 6th 120 2015 NHSCA Freshman Natonals (All-American).
- Luke Martin, Parkersburg South: Champion 138 (41-7); Champion 126 (29-5) as a junior; 8th 2017 FloNationals (All-American); Champion 113 (38-3) as a sophomore; Third 106 (42-5) as a freshman.
- Cameron Pine, Washington: Champion 170 (45-2); Champion 160 (50-0) as a junior; Fifth 145 (42-6) as a sophomore; Fifth 132 (24-13) as a freshman.
- Owen Porter, Spring Valley: Champion 285 (24-0); Champion 220 (51-2) as a junior.
- Stephen Carder, Parkersburg: Champion 145 (32-3); Runner-up 145 (31-8) as a junior; Fourth 138 (35-18) as a sophomore.
- Drew Dunbar, Parkersburg South: Runner-Up 182 (35-5); Fourth 160 (37-11) as a junior; Third 160 (36-14) as a sophomore.
- B. J. Haynes, Ripley: Runner-Up 220 (42-6); Fourth 220 (40-6) as a junior; Fifth 220 (44-15) as a sophomore.
- Owen Zeiders, University: Runner-Up 152 (41-5); Fourth 145 (35-8) as a junior.
- Austin Loew, Wheeling Park: Third 195 (44-7); Runner-Up 195 (31-14) as a junior.
- Jacob Starkey, Ripley: Third 170 (36-4); Third 145 (41-10) as a junior; Fourth 132 (37-18) as a sophomore; Third 120 (36-17) as a freshman.
- Tyree Swafford, Woodrow Wilson: Third 285 (31-6); Fourth 285 (45-9) as a junior; Fourth 285 (33-9) as a sophomore.
- Blake Miller, Preston: Third 182 (58-2).
- Levi Hobbs, Greenbrier East: Third 152 (44-4).
- Zach Collins, Parkersburg South: Third 145 (31-11).
Top Seniors - AA/A This year 21 seniors placed in the top three at the AA/A state tournament:
- Brock Whorton, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 126 (43-0); Runner-Up 126 (46-5) as a junior; Champion 113 (53-1) as a sophomore; Champion 113 (49-7) as a freshman.
- Cole Laya, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 120 (39-1); Runner-Up 120 (45-2) as a junior; Champion 106 (53-0) as a sophomore; Champion 106 (52-4) as a freshman.
- Connor Gibson, Independence (AA): Champion 160 (33-7); Champion 145 (25-5) as a junior; Champion 138 (39-11) as a sophomore; Sixth 126 (32-16) as a freshman.
- Jackson Moomau, Petersburg (AA): Champion 195 (52-0); Champion 170 (57-1) as a junior.
- Davy Mundey, Berkeley Springs (AA): Champion 152 (62-2); Runner-Up 145 (58-4) as a junior.
- Paul Frampton, Nitro (AA): Champion 182 (42-4); Runner-Up 195 (37-3)as a junior.
- Hunter Moore, Wirt County (A): Champion 170 (36-5); Third 145 (35-5) as a junior.
- Christian Lively, Oak Hill (AA): Champion 220 (28-5); Fourth 220 (39-8) as a junior.
- Caleb Rea, Weir (AA): Runner-Up 132 (42-5); Champion 126 (43-1) as a junior; Third 120 (39-2) as a sophomore.
- Haegan Harvey, Independence (AA): Runner-Up 152 (33-7); Champion 152 (23-10) as a junior; Fourth 145 (30-18) as a sophomore.
- Austin Pumphrey, Frankfort (AA): Runner-Up 138 (57-1); Runner-Up 138 (37-3) as a junior; Fourth 132 (52-7) as a sophomore; Fourth 120 (41-14) as a freshman.
- Adam Daniels, Independence (AA): Runner-Up 182 (17-3); Third 170 (39-10) as a junior; Fourth 160 (31-18) as a sophomore.
- Alex Hart, Independence (AA): Runner-Up 145 (34-8); Runner-Up 132 (34-18) as a sophomore.
- Vinny Devaney, Nitro (AA): Runner-Up 170 (35-8); Third 160 (33-6) as a junior; Fourth 160 (20-15) as a sophomore.
- Trey White, Pikeview (AA): Runner-Up 285 (37-4); Fourth 285 (32-5) as a junior.
- Tanner Clark, Berkeley Springs (AA): Runner-Up 220 (18-5).
- Trent Pullens, Fayetteville (A): Runner-Up 160 (43-6).
- Tanner Harris, Independence (AA): Third 138 (29-9); Third 126 (37-11) as a junior; Runner-Up 120 (41-7) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 106 (38-6) as a freshman.
- Keith Skaggs, Grafton (AA): Third 120 (26-3); Fourth 113 (57-3) as a junior; Sixth 113 (52-8) as a sophomore; Sixth 106 (48-10) as a freshman.
- Hunter Mitchell, Lewis County (AA): Third 152 (53-5); Fourth 138 (43-7) as a junior; Fifth 126 (45-11) as a sophomore.
- Steven White, Keyser (AA): Third 285 (41-7).
Top Juniors - AAA This year 14 juniors placed in the top three at the AAA state tournament:
- Zane Lanham, Huntington: Champion 182 (35-3); Champion 152 (34-6) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 138 (25-11) as a freshman.
- Brandon Holt, St Albans: Champion 113 (38-4); Champion 106 (39-4) as a sophomore.
- Zane Hinzman, Parkersburg South: Champion 160 (41-8); Runner-Up 152 (30-5) as a sophomore.
- Dustin Swisher, Hampshire: Champion 195 (44-2); Third 195 (51-4) as a sophomore.
- Louden Haga, Parkersburg South: Runner-Up 285 (40-10); Runner-Up 285 (32-9) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 285 (31-18) as a freshman.
- Tucker Windland, Parkersburg South: Runner-Up 120 (38-10); Fifth 106 (29-14) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 106 (28-19) as a freshman.
- Anthony Carman, John Marshall: Runner-Up 160 (44-6); Fourth 120 (32-11) as a freshman.
- Cody Stanley, Spring Valley: Runner-Up 195 (48-6); Fourth 195 (44-13) as a sophomore.
- London Bowen, Huntington: Runner-Up 113 (24-14); Fourth 106 (22-16) as a sophomore.
- Jacob Berisford, John Marshall: Runner-Up 170 (35-11); Sixth 152 (36-16) as a sophomore.
- Dylan Wood, Wheeling Park: Third 220 (40-8); Third 220 (37-13) as a sophomore.
- Jacob Simpson, University: Third 126 (42-5); Sixth 120 (29-13) as a sophomore; Fifth 113 (30-20) as a freshman.
- Noah Bailey, St Albans: Third 138 (39-7); Sixth 152 (37-13) as a freshman.
- Clayton Stewart, Huntington: Third 160 (34-10); Third 120 (22-9) as a freshman.
Top Juniors - AA/A This year 11 juniors placed in the top three at the AA/A state tournament:
- Alec Cook, Madonna (A): Champion 138 (48-5); Runner-Up 132 (49-7) as a sophomore.
- Jamie Ward, Winfield (AA): Champion 145 (34-2).
- Liam Lusher, Independence (AA): Runner-Up 126 (27-11); Champion 113 (30-8) as a sophomore; Third 106 (41-8) as a freshman.
- Donovan Kirby, Madonna (A): Runner-Up 195 (38-8).
- Shawn Moore, Oak Glen (AA): Runner-Up 113 (37-9).
- Jake Whiting, Roane County (AA): Third 145 (46-4); Fifth 138 (40-10) as a sophomore; Fifth 132 (32-17) as a freshman.
- Lane Flint, East Fairmont (AA): Third 132 (45-8); Third 113 (46-6) as a sophomore.
- Nate Kotsko, East Fairmont (AA): Third 170 (42-9).
- Garrett Cook, Madonna (A): Third 182 (48-5).
- Mason Kump, Independence (AA): Third 195 (32-12).
- Doug Morral, Petersburg (AA): Third 220 (48-7).
Top Sophomores - AAA This year 15 sophomores placed in the top five at the AAA state tournament:
- Jake Staud, University: Champion 120 (44-2); Runner-Up 113 (32-7) as a freshman.
- Brayden Roberts, Parkersburg South: Champion 126 (39-8); Runner-Up 120 (36-12) as a freshman.
- Braxton Amos, Parkersburg South: Champion 220 (48-0).
- Joey Miller, Musselman: Runner-Up 126 (52-4); Champion 113 (43-3) as a freshman.
- John Martin Best, Parkersburg: Runner-Up 138 (30-6); Champion 120 (33-5) as a freshman.
- Garret Donahue, Parkersburg: Runner-Up 106 (31-7); Third 106 (35-13) as a freshman.
- Bo Moler, Parkersburg: Runner-Up 132 (32-11); Fourth 132 (30-19) as a freshman.
- Andrew Shelek, Wheeling Park: Runner-Up 145 (5-2).
- Jacob Smithson, Buckhannon-Upshur: Fourth 145 (41-8); Sixth 132 (30-12) as a freshman.
- Jace Stockett, University: Fourth 106 (42-5).
- Eian Harper, Spring Valley: Fourth 120 (56-6).
- Austin Chapman, Riverside: Fourth 285 (46-7).
- Jace Bradbury, Washington: Fifth 182 (34-11); Fourth 170 (39-11) as a freshman.
- Ethan Gray, John Marshall: Fifth 113 (31-15); Sixth 106 (32-16) as a freshman.
- C. J. Wade, Parkersburg: Fifth 195 (24-16).
Top Sophomores - AA/A This year 10 sophomores placed in the top five at the AA/A state tournament:
- Zach Frazier, Fairmont Senior (AA): Champion 285 (40-0); Champion 285 (39-2) as a freshman.
- Peyton Hall, Oak Glen (AA): Champion 132 (45-5); Champion 120 (43-3) as a freshman.
- Blake Whorton, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 113 (44-2); Third 106 (44-6) as a freshman.
- Sean Dawson, Independence (AA): Runner-Up 120 (28-10); Fifth 120 (33-13) as a freshman.
- Jordan Williams, Braxton County (AA): Fourth 170 (52-5).
- Ashby West, Oak Hill (AA): Fifth 113 (37-10); Fifth 106 (42-9) as a freshman.
- Aidan Gibson, Bridgeport (AA): Fifth 126 (43-12); Sixth 106 (29-8) as a freshman.
- Mason Deem, Williamstown (A): Fifth 132 (33-11).
- Ethan Zimmerman, Berkeley Springs (AA): Fifth 138 (54-11).
- Malik Cox, Greenbrier West (A): Fifth 152 (28-13).
Top Freshmen - AAA This year 12 freshmen placed in the top six the AAA state tournament:
- Thomas Hartley, St Albans: Champion 106 (31-4).
- Gavin Quiocho, Parkersburg South: Champion 132 (35-14).
- Michael Dolan, Spring Mills: Third 106 (52-3).
- Ethan Hardy, Washington: Third 120 (38-14).
- Billy Gooch, Wheeling Park: Third 132 (36-14).
- Brayden Johnson, Parkersburg South: Third 113 (32-18).
- Stevie Mitchell, Wheeling Park: Fourth 138 (36-15).
- Julius Hobbs, Buckhannon-Upshur: Fourth 113 (32-14).
- Devin Easton, Parkersburg South: Fifth 106 (33-17).
- Isaiah Vaughn, Cabell Midland: Fifth 138 (26-10).
- Jacob McCarren, Spring Mills: Sixth 113 (42-15).
- Landen Hoover, Greenbrier East: Sixth 106 (37-15).
Top Freshmen - AA/A This year 13 freshmen placed in the top six the AA/A state tournament:
- Blake Boyers, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 106 (36-4).
- Wiley Houser, St. Marys (A): Runner-Up 106 (40-6).
- Bryce Perdue, Independence (AA): Third 113 (25-12).
- Christopher Smith, Point Pleasant (AA): Third 106 (35-4).
- Isaac Van Meter, Moorefield (A): Third 160 (54-3).
- Mitchell Freeman, Point Pleasant (AA): Third 126 (45-9).
- John Sanders, Independence (AA): Fourth 106 (21-18).
- Jordan Brueck, Weir (AA): Fifth 285 (24-17).
- Logan Powell, Wirt County (A): Fifth 106 (37-11).
- Gavin Ray, Oak Glen (AA): Sixth 126 (28-15).
- Kemo Summers, Bridgeport (AA): Sixth 132 (39-13).
- Tyler Teel, Herbert Hoover (AA): Sixth 113 (30-11).
- Will Kuhn, Lewis County (AA): Sixth 170 (42-15).
Wrestlers Undefeated in 2017-18
Jackson Moomau, Petersburg, 52-0
Braxton Amos, Parkersburg South, 48-0
Brock Whorton, East Fairmont, 43-0
Zach Frazier, Fairmont Senior, 40-0
Owen Porter, Spring Valley, 24-0
2018 Four-time State Champion
Josh Humphreys, Huntington/St. Albans/Parkersburg South
2018 Four-time state placewinners (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
- Josh Humphreys, Parkersburg South: Champion 152 (49-2); Champion 145 (45-2) St. Albans as a junior; Champion 120 (41-1) St. Albans as a sophomore; Champion 106 (33-2) Huntington as a freshman.
- Cole Laya, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 120 (39-1); Runner-Up 120 (45-2) as a junior; Champion 106 (53-0) as a sophomore; Champion 106 (52-4) as a freshman.
- Brock Whorton, East Fairmont (AA): Champion 126 (43-0); Runner-Up 126 (46-5) as a junior; Champion 113 (53-1) as a sophomore; Champion 113 (49-7) as a freshman.
- Luke Martin, Parkersburg South: Champion 138 (41-7); Champion 126 (29-5) as a junior; Champion 113 (38-3) as a sophomore; Third 106 (42-5) as a freshman.
- Connor Gibson, Independence (AA): Champion 160 (33-7); Champion 145 (25-5) as a junior; Champion 138 (39-11) as a sophomore; Sixth 126 (32-16) as a freshman.
- Cameron Pine, Washington: Champion 170 (45-2); Champion 160 (50-0) as a junior; Fifth 145 (42-6) as a sophomore; Fifth 132 (24-13) as a freshman.
- Austin Pumphrey, Frankfort (AA): Runner-Up 138 (57-1); Runner-Up 138 (37-3) as a junior; Fourth 132 (52-7) as a sophomore; Fourth 120 (41-14) as a freshman.
- Tanner Harris, Independence (AA): Third 138 (29-9); Third 126 (37-11) as a junior; Runner-Up 120 (41-7) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 106 (38-6) as a freshman.
- Jacob Starkey, Ripley: Third 145 (36-4); Third 145 (41-10) as a junior; Fourth 132 (37-18) as a sophomore; Third 120 (36-17) as a freshman.
- Keith Skaggs, Grafton (AA): Third 120 (26-3); Fourth 113 (57-3) as a junior; Sixth 113 (52-8) as a sophomore; Sixth 106 (48-10) as a freshman.
- Hunter Taylor, Independence (AA): Fourth 132 (12-6); Champion 132 (28-11) as a junior; Fifth 126 (34-9) as a sophomore; Sixth 120 (26-14) as a freshman.
- Hunter Burdette, Ripley: Fifth 145 (40-16); Third 132 (34-11) as a junior; Sixth 120 (28-24) as a sophomore; Runner-Up 106 (37-12) as a freshman.
Wrestlers to watch in 2019
Looking to defend or reclaim state championships in 2019
Seniors in 2019 (2017-18 Weight Class)
Brandon Holt, St Albans: AAA 113
Zane Hinzman, Parkersburg South: AAA 160
Zane Lanham, Huntington: AAA 182
Dustin Swisher, Hampshire: AAA 195
Noah Hodges, Grafton: AA/A 113
George Smith, Point Pleasant: AA/A 120
Liam Lusher, Independence: AA/A 126
Alec Cook, Madonna: AA/A 138
Jamie Ward, Winfield: AA/A 145
Juniors in 2019 (2017-18 weight class)
Jake Staud, University: AAA 120
Brayden Roberts, Parkersburg South: AAA 126
Joey Miller, Musselman: AAA 126
John Martin Best, Parkersburg: AAA 138
Braxton Amos, Parkersburg South: AAA 220
Blake Whorton, East Fairmont: AA/A 113
Peyton Hall, Oak Glen: AA/A 132
Zach Frazier, Fairmont Senior: AA/A 285
Sophomores in 2019 (2017-18 weight class)
Thomas Hartley, St. Albans: AAA 106
Gavin Quiocho, Parkersburg South: AAA 132
Blake Boyers, East Fairmont: AA/A 106
Looking to become a four-time state champion
Zach Frazier, Fairmont Senior
Peyton Hall, Oak Glen
Thomas Hartley, St. Albans
Gavin Quiocho, Parkersburg South
Blake Boyers, East Fairmont
Looking to become four-time state placewinners
Seniors in 2019
Tristan Adkins, Huntington
Zane Lanham, Huntington
Louden Haga, Parkersburg South
Tucker Windland, Parkersburg South
Jacob Simpson, University
Jake Whiting, Roane County
Liam Lusher, Independence
Noah Hodges, Grafton
Juniors in 2019
Jake Smithson, Buckhannon-Upshur
Ethan Gray, John Marshall
Joey Miller, Musselman
John Martin Best, Parkersburg
Garret Donahue, Parkersburg
Bo Moler, Parkersburg
Brayden Roberts, Parkersburg South
Jake Staud, University
Jace Bradbury, Washington
Aidan Gibson, Bridgeport
Blake Whorton, East Fairmont
Zach Frazier, Fairmont Senior
Sean Dawson, Indepdendence
Peyton Hall, Oak Glen
Ashby West, Oak Hill
Sophomores in 2019
Julius Hobbs, Buckhannon-Upshur
Isaiah Vaughn, Cabell Midland
Landen Hoover, Greenbrier East
Devin Easton, Parkersburg South
Brayden Johnson, Parkersburg South
Gavin Quiocho, Parkersburg South
Thomas Hartley, St. Albans
Michael Dolan, Spring Mills
Jacob McCarren, Spring Mills
Ethan Hardy, Washington
Billy Gooch, Wheeling Park
Stevie Mitchell, Wheeling Park
Kemo Summers, Bridgeport
Blake Boyers, East Fairmont
Tyler Teel, Herbert Hoover
Bryce Perdue, Independence
John Sanders, Independence
Will Kuhn, Lewis County
Isaac Van Meter, Moorefield
Gavin Ray, Oak Glen
Mitchell Freeman, Point Pleasant
Christopher Smith, Point Pleasant
Wiley Houser, St. Marys
Jordan Brueck, Weir
Logan Powell, Wirt County
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Updated April 2, 2020