If you are interested in becoming one in box me and I will direct to correct people.
Yours truly,
Chris Diserio
Gator wrote:I can recall a young official who started out at a very young age and was only wanting to give back to the sport he grew up participating in and loved.
After about 3 years he folded to the pressure. Not from any wrestler or coach, but from parents and fans. He was a very nice and quiet young man and could not believe that adults could be so cruel. I think it takes an extra layer of skin to make tough decisions and be able to stand by them. When people start to skin you alive. it exposes nerves in some. Some can take it, some can't. In this case, the young man chose not to stay in a situation where he at times felt overwhelmed.
This was not years ago, it was recent. That young did a very good job refereeing on the mat and it's a shame he had to endure the ridicule from the adults in the stands. I've seen mob mentality push some over the edge. It happened last year in more than one case.
Yeah, I yell my displeasure at times, but I also know that we are all human. The relationships that I have made through wrestling have meant more to me than I could ever give back. Some of the coaches and refs that people dislike I call my friends. It's because I see them for something other than the coach that screams at kids to make them better or the official who blows a call or argues their point.
I've spent time getting to know them and try to accept the fact they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like me. A little kindness will go a long way and you may just get to know the person off the mat and like them.
I agree with Chris and Ray that our sport is losing the old school, experienced refs at an alarming rate and there is a need for new blood to perpetuate the profession. If it doesn't come soon, you may see a dual match with the coaches calling the matches or a tournament with shorthanded officials too exhausted to finish.
22nd row signing off..............
DWM wrote:It was an older ref that caused the mess last year, and it was the head of officiating (Callen) that said "Its not your kid, so don't worry about it. True, everyone makes mistakes, and its a difficult job, but show some integrity. I think the problem most people have is not the mistake, but how poorly it was handled afterward.
Frank wrote:Good deal
Frank wrote:Ur use to taking crap
.Repoman1304 wrote:I have been the big mouth in the stands a time or two..lol but because of this thread you got at least one person that is going to step up and try, me. If the Good Lord is willing I will be in stripes on the mat this season because of this thread. I will put my money where my mouth is, so to speak... Good luck to all wrestlers, coaches and officials this season. This truly is the greatest sport ever and we all should do what we can to make it better!
Frank wrote:U insight and
Encourage more Drama on here, or as much as TSFofP or TSFofH combined.
With statements such as” take the class and put on the shirt or sit in the stands and be quiet. Or
Your latest about all the know it alls on here. Maybe u were joking and I’m just way to sensitive. If so I’m joking too then.
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