NCAA DII Super Regional – East
February 27 & 28, 2015
ASRC on the Hilltopper campus
Admission Pricing
Admission price for each session has been set at $7 for adults and $4 for seniors and students with children under 10 admitted free.
All-Tournament passes good for all three sessions – priced at $16 for adults and $8 for students and seniors – will also be available.
There will be no advance ticket sales. All tickets must be purchased at the door.
Tournament Schedule
Thursday, February 26th
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Open Gym/Practice, Main Arena Floor of ASRC
6:00 PM Coaches/Seeding Meeting, Boyle Conference Center off lobby of ASRC
Friday, February 27th
9:00 AM – Noon Open Gym/Practice, Main Arena Floor of ASRC
11:45 AM Medical/Skin Checks, Rooms AS3A & AS3B on 2nd floor of the ASRC
12:00 PM Weigh-ins, Rooms AS3A & AS3B on 2nd floor of the ASRC
1:00 PM Gates open for Spectator Admission for Session 1
2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Session 1—Round of 16 & quarterfinals in championships, and two rounds of consolations, all on four mats.
Saturday, February 28th
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Open Gym/Practice, Main Arena Floor of the ASRC
9:45 AM Medical/Skin Checks, Rooms AS3A & AS3B on the 2nd floor of the ASRC
10:00 AM Weigh-ins (1 lb. allowance), Rooms AS3A & AS3B on the 2nd floor of the ASRC.
10:00 AM Gates open for spectator admission for Session 2
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Session 2—Championship semifinals & consolation quarterfinals on four mats, followed by consolation semifinals on two mats.
At the conclusion of Session 2, spectators must clear the gym.
2:30 PM Gates open for spectator admission for Session 3.
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Session 3—Championship finals (1st place matches) and consolation finals (3rd and 5th place matches) on three mats. Following the finals, “True 4th place” matches will be wrestled on one mat in the necessary weight classes.
Competing Institutions: Alderson-Broaddus College (WV); American International College (MA); East Stroudsburg University (PA); Gannon University (PA); Kutztown University (PA); LIU Post University (NY); Mercyhurst University (PA); Millersville University (PA). University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (PA); Seton Hill University (PA); University of Shippensburg (PA); West Liberty University (WV); Notre Dame College (OH); Ohio Valley University (WV); Wheeling Jesuit University (WV).
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NCAA DII Super Regional – East
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