Middle school wrestlers in opens

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Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby Wrestlewv » Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:41 pm

Can someone clarify the rules for a middle school wrestlers ability to wrestle in opens when there is no middle school matches scheduled. I have been told they can not wrestle under the school name or any the school gear. Now I'm hearing others say they can not even do opens.

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Re: Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby Wm0mof3 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:41 am

Under the WVSSAC they may wrestle independent in open tournaments. They cannot wear school gear or any other league gear. They must be listed as independent and not be listed as any team. You can find the rules on the WVSSAC website. They differ from most other sports as wrestling allows independent participation during the season.

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Re: Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby Melstanley74 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:41 pm

If the middle school wrestler wrestles in an open tournament and they are 12. Can the wrestle in the 11 12 class or ms????

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Re: Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby CoachontheHill » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:32 am

Yes they can

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Re: Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby timamos » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:06 am

1. Must have permission of principal.
2. No middle school team gear.
3. No middle school team coach in corner.
4. Middle school team cannot be participating in competition the day of the open (including ms jv or "b" team)
5. Can't wrestle under the name of the school.

There is no requirement that a wrestler list himself or herself as independent. He or she can enter the individual or dual tournament as a member of a club team.

Our rules on this aspect of wrestling are much better than Ohio or PA's.

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Re: Middle school wrestlers in opens

Postby mscoach106 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:50 am

if it helps for future reference.
§127-2-10. Non-school Participation.
10.1. During the school year and while a member of a school team, a student shall neither participate,
which would include, but not limited to, fund-raising activities, team picture, tryouts, etc., on any formally
organized non-school team in the same sport, nor shall the student compete as an individual unattached in
non-school formally organized competition in the same sport. The following sports are exempted from the
provisions of this rule: cross country, golf, swimming, tennis, track, and wrestling, providing: (revised 2011-12)
10.1.a. participation is approved by the student’s principal.
10.1.b. the student misses no school-sponsored athletic contest involving a team in that sport

this is from
http://www.wvssac.org/wp-content/upload ... 6-17-2.pdf

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