Calhoun will be hosting the Kick-off Invitational early this year due to schedule changes and weather. We are looking for 10-12 teams for bracketed, double elimination tournament. We will be running 3-4 mats, tourney computer ran, and we will have a great hospitality room along with concessions. If interested please contact Brian Ritchie for further details @304-354-0118.
Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We have Ravenswood and Morgantown.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
Robert C. Bird
Robert C. Bird
- Posts: 261
- Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:01 am
Re: Calhoun Kick off Invitational
markPi wrote:нужен ли тебе Kick Off, и стоит ли за него переплачивать.
Does the wvssac know that the Calhoun Kickoff Invitational will be hosting Eastern European teams?
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
From the Editor:
We have had a rash of Russian forum posts in the last few weeks. I can't imagine these are legit, and assume that these registrations and posts are via some sort of annoying (if not malicious) automated forum infiltration program circulating the internet.
Registration for this forum requires (supposedly) a human reading the validation question and keying in the correct answer to the validation question, The question is changed periodically. This has been effective in safeguarding this forum from spambots, until recent weeks.
There have been several other registrations/posts recently which have appeared to be fishy. Shoe advertisements, among others.
I check this forum several times a day. All questionable registrations and posts are deleted and I ban the username/email/ipaddress. However, it is a never ending game of cat and mouse. I have the latest updates for this forum program in place.
I don't know what the future is for the internet. We read reports every day of hacking problems. There may come a time when forums such as these become unmanageable. <sigh>
We have had a rash of Russian forum posts in the last few weeks. I can't imagine these are legit, and assume that these registrations and posts are via some sort of annoying (if not malicious) automated forum infiltration program circulating the internet.
Registration for this forum requires (supposedly) a human reading the validation question and keying in the correct answer to the validation question, The question is changed periodically. This has been effective in safeguarding this forum from spambots, until recent weeks.
There have been several other registrations/posts recently which have appeared to be fishy. Shoe advertisements, among others.
I check this forum several times a day. All questionable registrations and posts are deleted and I ban the username/email/ipaddress. However, it is a never ending game of cat and mouse. I have the latest updates for this forum program in place.
I don't know what the future is for the internet. We read reports every day of hacking problems. There may come a time when forums such as these become unmanageable. <sigh>
Jenny Hannan
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We won't be having any Russians at our tournament this year but are looking for some local guys to jump on board. Still have openings and the season is almost here! If interested in a early bracketed tournament call 304-354-0118.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We now have Ravenswood, Robert C Byrd, Morgantown, and add Lincoln Co.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
Waiting on confirmation from Spring Valley.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
Add Huntington Jv.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We now have Ravenswood,Morgantown,Robert C.Byrd,Lincoln Co.,Huntington Jv, we still have room for a couple more and the season is here!
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We now have Ravenswood, Robert c. Byrd, Huntington Jv., Lincoln Co., Lewis Co., drop Morgantown. So have room for 3-5 more.
Re: Calhoun Kick-off Invitational
We now have Ravenswood, Robert c. Byrd, Huntington Jv., Lincoln Co., Lewis Co., drop Morgantown. So have room for 3-5 more.
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