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Three new AAA teams
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:33 pm
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
Bridgeport, Oak Hill and Lincoln County moved up to AAA. Region 3 has 8 teams. Regions 1, 2 and 4 only have 7 teams. I would think the 3 new teams would go to Regions 1, 2 and 4. Does anyone know where these new AAA teams are going ?
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:32 pm
by Pottstd
I would assume Bridgeport would be incorporated into Region I since it sits between Morgantown/University in Monongalia Co. and Buckhannon-Upsher in Upsher Co. along I-79.
Lincoln Co. also fits nicely in with Region IV. The real problem is Oak Hill. It sits square in the middle of Region III, but there are no teams from Region III or IV that could move between them and not leave one of those Regions with 9 teams. Unless they wanted to reshuffle the regions completely.
Alternatively, we could just got the route of New Jersey, California, Indiana, and a few other states and have onyl have one division. Then just break the schools up accordingly regardless of class. I wouldnt bet on that though.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:21 pm
by Justdeserts
Hopefully Bridgeport and Oak Hill both go back to Region 3, and Lincoln to Region 2.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:27 am
by brad32bury
Lincoln County south of Charleston to Region 2? I remember Lewis County in Reg 2 8 years ago or so. I don't see a school 6 hours away from other schools in a Region in the same Region
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:54 am
by Pottstd
Bridgeport to Region I makes sense. Its sits squarely between University/Morgantown and Buckhannon-Upsher on I-79. Giving Region I 8 teams. Oak Hill fits nicely in Region III since its in Fayette Co. with no were else making sense, at lease geographically. However this would give Region III 9 teams. Lincoln Co., just south of Charleston and Cabell Co., would then slide nicely into Region IV giving it 8 teams again. The outlier here is Region II would would remain exactly the same with 7 teams. Getting a team to Region II, especially any of the newly added teams, would be tough. Evening out to get 8 teams into every region would take a complete restructuring of the schools in each region.
An alternative would simply to just follow how several other states, New Jersey, California, indiana, and a few others, do things and transition WV to a single class state championship. This would give a significantly wider range of schools to fit into each region, district, etc. Makes the most sense given the geographic disparity of populations in the state where several counties in a row may not have a AAA school.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:50 pm
by ebpioneer96
I would say Lincoln County to Region 4, Oak Hill to Region 3, and Bridgeport to Region 1.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:34 am
by Justdeserts
brad32bury wrote:Lincoln County south of Charleston to Region 2? I remember Lewis County in Reg 2 8 years ago or so. I don't see a school 6 hours away from other schools in a Region in the same Region
Yes, I agree that makes no sense.

I was thinking of Liberty- Harrison for some reason.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:39 pm
by admin

I'm working on a regional update right now. I have lots of stuff to update, but I've been preoccupied with a dying mother in a negligent nursing home, and of course we can't be with her yet. Sorry - not trying to use it as an excuse.
Anyway, stay tuned for lots of updates under the What's New section of the front page. Among the updates will be the new regional classifications. I just have to finish up the documents and upload them. The regional maps are a little tougher, but I may put the new regional pages up with the partially completed maps.
For now, I can tell you that these are the changes:
Bridgeport: Going from AA Region 2 to AAA Region 1
Lincoln County: Going from AA Region 4 to AAA Region 4
Oak Hill: Going from AA Region 3 to AAA Region 3
Petersburg: Going from AA Region 1 to AA Region 2
Ritchie County: Going from AA Region 1 to AA Region 2
Hope this helps!
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:16 pm
by JennyHannan
I'm working on the classifications and the regional map pages. AAA is finished. AA/A is a little bit more of an undertaking.
Classifications are here: Region Map:'ll get the AA/A map finished as soon as I can.
Re: Three new AAA teams
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:35 pm
by Bearhugger
admin wrote:Yes!

I'm working on a regional update right now. I have lots of stuff to update, but I've been preoccupied with a dying mother in a negligent nursing home, and of course we can't be with her yet. Sorry - not trying to use it as an excuse.
Anyway, stay tuned for lots of updates under the What's New section of the front page. Among the updates will be the new regional classifications. I just have to finish up the documents and upload them. The regional maps are a little tougher, but I may put the new regional pages up with the partially completed maps.
For now, I can tell you that these are the changes:
Bridgeport: Going from AA Region 2 to AAA Region 1
Lincoln County: Going from AA Region 4 to AAA Region 4
Oak Hill: Going from AA Region 3 to AAA Region 3
Petersburg: Going from AA Region 1 to AA Region 2
Ritchie County: Going from AA Region 1 to AA Region 2
Hope this helps!
With these changes to the AAA Regions,
The regional landscape with corresponding teams will look like this:
Region 1 = 8 teams
Region 2 = 7 teams
Region 3 = 9 teams
Region 4 = 8 teams.
Regions 2 and 3 have been battling it out for weakest region in recent years. Region 2 does appear to be getting much better, thus qualifying OUT of region 2 very well could be more competitive than region 3. I think this arrangement will work until ALL teams in region 3 get further beefed up.