AA/A Individual Rankings - November 25th, 2018

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AA/A Individual Rankings - November 25th, 2018

Postby Bearhugger » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:53 pm



*There are no secrets. Secrets are not good for WV wrestling. Promotion is good for wrestling. Lets be proactive, not reactive.


106: Barr/Oak Glen/STQ/Word on the street/R1
106: Cassucio/East Fairmont/NA/Word on the street/R1
106: Clere/Greenbrier West/STQ/Word on the street/R3
106: Sanders/Independence/4th in state/Word on the street/R3
106: Short/Point Pleasant/NA/Super 32 Entry/R4

113: Boyer/East Fairmont/State Champion/Word on the street/R1
113: Hodges/Grafton/4th in state/Word on the street/R2
113: Moore/Oak Glen/Runner up in state/Word on the street/R1
113: Powell/Wirt County/5th in state/Word on the street/R4
113: Smith/Point Pleasant/3rd in state/Super 32/R4

120: Houser/St. Mary’s/Runner Up in state/Word on the street/R1
120: Layman/Ritchie County/STQ/Word on the street/R1
120: Long/Braxton County/STQ/Word on the street/R2
120: Lundy/Oak Glen/NA/Word on the street/R1
120: Raike/Point Pleasant/Freshman/Super 32/R4
120: Teel/Herbert Hoover/6th in the state/Word on the street/R3

126: Bartee/Point Pleasant/Freshman/ Super 32/R4
126: Powell/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4
126: Ray/Oak Glen/6th in the state/Word on the street/R1
126: Spaulding/Ritchie County/5th in state/Super 32/R1

132: Dawson/Independence/Runner Up in state/Word on the street/R3
132: Flint/East Fairmont/3rd in the state/Word on the street/R1
132: Freeman/Smith/Point Pleasant/Third & Fourth in state/Super 32/R4 (Obviously one will be 132 and the other 138).
132: Summers/Bridgeport/6th in the state/Word on the street/R2

138: Baird/Madonna/NA/Word on the street/R1
138: Hall/Oak Glen/State Champion/Word on the Street/R1
138: Rundle/East Fairmont/NA/Word on the street/R1

145: Cook/Madonna/State Champion/Super 32/R1
145: Lusher/Independence/State runner up/Super 32/R3
145: Postlewait/East Fairmont/NA/Word on the street/R1
145: Trigg/Princeton/5th in the state/Word on the street/R3
145: Ward/Winfield/State Champion/Super 32/R4

152: Cernuto/Independence/NA/Word on the street/R3
152: Daniels/Madonna/NA/Word on the street/R1
152: Kiszka/Frankfort/STQ/Word on the street/R1
152: Parkes/Greenbrier West/NA/Word on the street/R3
152: Thomas/East Fairmont/4th in state/Word on the Street/R1
152: Triplett/Braxton County/STQ/Word on the street/R2

160: Adams/Independence/NA/Word on the street/R3
160: Cox/Greenbrier West/5th in state/Word on the street/R3
160: Gibson/Bridgeport/5th in state/Word on the street/R2
160: Postlethwait/East Fairmont/STQ/Word on the street/R1
160: Samson/Point Pleasant/STQ/Word on the street/R4
160: Whiting/Roane County/3rd in the state/Word on the street/R2
160: Wilshire/Oak Hill/NA/Word on the street/R3

170: Conley/Braxton County/STQ/Word on the street/R2
170: Dorsey/Greenbrier West/6th in state/Word on the street/R3
170: Henrich/Oak Glen/NA/Word on the street/R1
170: Hissam/East Fairmont/NA/Word on the street/R1
170: Truman/Oak Hill/NA/Word on the street/R3
170: Van Meter/Moorefield/3rd in state/Word on the street/R2

182: Kessler/Greenbrier West/STQ/Word on the street/R3
182: Kotsko/East Fairmont/3rd in state/Word on the street/R1
182: Williams/Braxton County/4th in state/Word on the street/R2

195: Cook/Madonna/3rd in state/Word on the street/R1
195: Conaway/North Marion/STQ/Word on the street/R1
195: Gerau/East Fairmont/STQ/Word on the street/R1
195: Kump/Independence/3rd in state/Word on the street/R3
195: Marquez/Point Pleasant/NA/Super 32 Entry/R4
195: O’Conner/Oak Glen/NA/Word on the street/R1
195: Patterson/Greenbrier West/NA/Super 32/R3
195: Stamm//South Harrison/6th in state/Word on the street/R2

220: Brown/Greenbrier West/State qualifier/Word on the street/R3
220: Evans/Oak Hill/NA/Word on the street/R3
220: Mcfee/Wirt County/STQ/Word on the street/R4
220: Heston/Fairmont Senior/NA/Word on the street/R1
220: May/Braxton County/STQ/Word on the street/R2
220: Shamblin/Sissonville/State qualifier/Word on the street/R4
220: Summers/Bridgeport/5th in the state/Word on the street/R2

285: Brown/Greenbrier West/NA/Word on the street/R3
285: Brueck/Weir/5th in state/Word on the street/R1
285: Frampton/Nitro/NA/Word on the street/R4
285: Frazier/Fairmont Senior/State champion/Word on the street/R1
285: Isom/Independence/6th in the state/Word on the street/R3
285: Meador/Braxton County/STQ/Word on the street/R2
285: Muncie/Point Pleasant/STQ/Word on the street/R4
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.

Posts: 5302
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am

Re: AA/A Individual Rankings - November 25th, 2018

Postby Bearhugger » Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:17 pm

170: Thompson/Berkeley Springs/STQ/Word on the street/R1
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.

Just a Fan
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:13 pm

Re: AA/A Individual Rankings - November 25th, 2018

Postby Just a Fan » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:32 pm

Great stuff Bearhugger! Appreciate all the hard work and time!

Posts: 5302
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am

Re: AA/A Individual Rankings - November 25th, 2018

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:29 am

106: Powell/Wirt County/5th in the state/Word on the street/R4

113: Poole/Wirt County/STQ/Word on the street/R4

120: Parsons/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

126: Powell/Wirt County/STQ/Word on the street/R4

132: Garrett/Wirt County/STQ/Word on the street/R4

138: Amos/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

145: Whipkey/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

152: Lockhart/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

160: Richards/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

170: Reeder/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

182: Griffen/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

195: Mcfee/Wirt County/STQ/Word on the street/R4

220: Simms/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4

285: Cain/Wirt County/NA/Word on the street/R4
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.

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