Musselman Duals Recap

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Musselman Duals Recap

Postby aaacoach19 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:03 pm

Team Champions Southern Garrett, MD: 9 and 0
RunnerUps: Williamsport, MD 8 and 1
Eastern View, VA 6-3
George Washington 6-3
Hedgesville 6-3
Millbrook, VA 5-4

Pool B (3rds and 4th in original pool)
Berkeley Springs 6-3
Linganore, MD 6-3
Bethesda Chevy Chase, MD 6-3
Musselman 4-5
Hampshire 3-6
Walt Whitman 3-6
Winfield 3-2

Pool C (5ths and 6ths original pool)
Spring Valley 4-5
Spring Mills 4-5
Frankfort 3-6
Martinsburg 2-7
Jefferson 2-7
Buckhannon Upshur 0-5
Clarke County, VA 0-9

All Tournament Team
106- Michael Dolan- Spring Mills
113- Daniel Taylor- Eastern View, VA
120- Isaiah Isabell- George Washington
126- Joey Miller- Musselman
132- Earl Blake- Linganore, MD/ Nate Tasker- Southern Garrett, MD
138- Austin Pumphrey- Frankfort
145- Jace Guy- Southern Garrett, MD
152- LJ Shaffer- Eastern View, VA
160- Davey Mundey- Berkeley Springs
170- Joe Embleton- Southern Garrett, MD/ Joey Bromley- Linganore, MD
182- Michael Bromley-Linganore,MD
195- Dustin Swisher- Hampshire
220- Ben Lambert- Hampshire
285- Bryan Wallace- Clarke County, VA/ Tavon Blowe- Millbrook,VA

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Re: Musselman Duals Recap

Postby TrueSouthFanInPburg » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:06 pm

could someone from musselman possible put the individual results on here. Musselman is one of the very few aaa teams that have NO results on here. :roll:

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Re: Musselman Duals Recap

Postby KDunbar » Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:14 am

So who is this Michael Dolan kid from Spring Mills?
Just kidding!
It looks like even if the discussion on WVMAT wasn't going to put him on everyone's high school radar, his wrestling is going to take care of that.
Also, Joey Miller continues to do well as always.
Saw Austin Pumphrey at Super 32 and he looked good there also.
Congratulations to the rest of the WV wrestlers topping their weight classes:
Isabell - GW
Munday - Berkely Springs
Swisher & Lambert - Hampshire

I can tell you that for those of us who like to watch good wrestling, we regret that we don't get to see a lot of these wrestlers except at the State Tournament. Cameron Pine is one of my favorite kids to watch and I was glad to also get a chance to see him compete at the Super 32.

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Re: Musselman Duals Recap

Postby Gator » Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:33 am

I'm guessing that returning 220 state champ Owen Porter never wrestled in these duals since Spring Valley was in the state football finals and perhaps he hasn't had enough practices.

Anyone know if he will be 220 again or moving to 285?

Congratulations to Owen for winning the Howley Award as the best linebacker in the state.
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Re: Musselman Duals Recap

Postby TrueSouthFanInPburg » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:52 pm

The football roster on WVSSAC had him at 220.

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