WV RTC at U23 & Amos at Pan Ams

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WV RTC at U23 & Amos at Pan Ams

Postby timamos » Wed May 26, 2021 1:02 pm

Going to Fargo? Here's a chance to watch WVU Wrestlers and a West Virginia native wrestle freestyle & greco.

WVRTC is sending 5 wrestlers to Lincoln Nebraska for the UWW Under 23 Freestyle World Team Trials.
57 kg Colton Drousias
70 kg Brayden Roberts
70 kg Caleb Dowling
79 kg Dennis Robin
86 kg Anthony DAlesio
125 kg Michael Wolfgram

Wrestling will be streamed live on Flo beginning at 11 am on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
The champion of each weight class will represent the United States in the U23 World Championships in Belgrade, Serbia November 1-9

Braxton Amos Wisconsin RTC/Sunkist Kids will represent the United States Senior Men's Greco Team at 97 KG in the Pan American Championships.
Wrestling will be streamed live on Flo beginning at noon to 3pm on Thursday and if he is fortunate enough to reach the medal round, then finals at 7 pm Thursday evening.

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Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:03 am

Re: WV RTC at U23 & Amos at Pan Ams

Postby Heath » Fri May 28, 2021 6:21 pm

Congrats on the Silver medal. The dude he was up against looked like he was on that Russian supplement program lol.

Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:03 am

Re: WV RTC at U23 & Amos at Pan Ams

Postby Heath » Fri May 28, 2021 6:28 pm

How does Wvrtc decide who goes to juniors and u23s? Just surprised Hall or someone like Sullivan isn’t on there. Or Adams if he’s under 23. Maybe they’re injured who knows. Just curious. Surprised to see D’Alesio up at 86kgs.

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