Winners Choice Matches
Winners Choice Matches
What are some potential winners choice matchups we may get to see next week?
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I want to bearhug vs bearhugger!
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I haven’t seen a list of participating teams yet. Is it listed somewhere and I missed it?
- Posts: 466
- Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:29 pm
Re: Winners Choice Matches
these are what i think will be the best match ups at the winners choice; 106-dolan-s.m., donahue-phs, stockett-uni , cassucio-ef. 113-whorton-ef, mcCarren-sm. 120-laya-ef, staub-uni,harper-sv, isabell-gw. 126-lorea-gw, whorton-ef, simpkins-uni, dryer-wash. 132-moler-phs, flint-ef, mcCartney-buck, bennett-uni. 138-best-phs, cutright-buck, pauley-uni, dailey-green. 145-carder-phs, isabell-gw, smithson-buck,whiting-roane. 152-hall-sv, hobbs-green. 160-holley-cm, hall-gw, hefner-green, kincell-ef, barnhart-hedge, mundey-berk. 170-pine-wash, canpbell-green, king-phs, daughrty-key. 182-nay-phs, bradbury-wash, miller-pres,thomas-green. 195-moomau-peter, fischer-cm, stevens-sv, hall-gw. 220-stanley-sv, williams-gw, davis-green, rose-cm. 285-frazior-fs, swafford-ww, chapman-riv, golbrook-cm. I found the following teams competing on this site and wvssac; george washington, greenbrier east, hedgesville, morgantown, parkersburg, preston,riverside, spring mills, spring valley, university, washington,cabell midland, buckhannon and woodrow wilson. AA /A schools are; fairmont senior, east fairmont, north marion, bridgeport, keyser, petersburg, williamstown, berkley springs, oak hill, roane and rc bird.
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:50 am
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Swafford wrestled 195 at the quad at South last month.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Thanks! Some very good wrestling appears to be in the cards for next eeek.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Our friends from Waynesburg are coming down as well. So add the Henson boys, the Morris boys, Homet, and the Howard brothers.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Ritchie County is attending also
Re: Winners Choice Matches
pkbwrestling wrote:Swafford wrestled 195 at the quad at South last month.
He was back at 285 this past weekend.
Moderator WV Mat
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:55 pm
Re: Winners Choice Matches
List of teams attending Winner's Choice:
NEW: Greenbrier East, Sissonville, Waynesburg (PA)
OUT: RCB, Calhoun, Woodrow Wilson, & Parkersburg South (South was a 1-year deal due to missing Powerade last season)
Buckhannon Upshur
Cabell Midland
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
Fairmont Senior JV
George Washington
Greenbrier East
Hyndman (PA)
Lewis County
Meyersdale (PA)
North Marion
Oak Hill
Preston County
Ritchie County
Riverbend (VA)
Roane County
Spring Mills
Spring Valley
Waynsburg (PA)
NEW: Greenbrier East, Sissonville, Waynesburg (PA)
OUT: RCB, Calhoun, Woodrow Wilson, & Parkersburg South (South was a 1-year deal due to missing Powerade last season)
Buckhannon Upshur
Cabell Midland
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
Fairmont Senior JV
George Washington
Greenbrier East
Hyndman (PA)
Lewis County
Meyersdale (PA)
North Marion
Oak Hill
Preston County
Ritchie County
Riverbend (VA)
Roane County
Spring Mills
Spring Valley
Waynsburg (PA)
- Posts: 5302
- Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am
Re: Winners Choice Matches
aacoach108 wrote:List of teams attending Winner's Choice:
NEW: Greenbrier East, Sissonville, Waynesburg (PA)
OUT: RCB, Calhoun, Woodrow Wilson, & Parkersburg South (South was a 1-year deal due to missing Powerade last season)
Buckhannon Upshur
Cabell Midland
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
Fairmont Senior JV
George Washington
Greenbrier East
Hyndman (PA)
Lewis County
Meyersdale (PA)
North Marion
Oak Hill
Preston County
Ritchie County
Riverbend (VA)
Roane County
Spring Mills
Spring Valley
Waynsburg (PA)
Thank you for posting this information!!!!!
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Greenbrier East seems to really be making strides
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:50 am
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Gator wrote:pkbwrestling wrote:Swafford wrestled 195 at the quad at South last month.
He was back at 285 this past weekend.
Dang. He will pose problems for a lot of 285’ers.
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:57 pm
Re: Winners Choice Matches
aacoach108 wrote:List of teams attending Winner's Choice:
NEW: Greenbrier East, Sissonville, Waynesburg (PA)
OUT: RCB, Calhoun, Woodrow Wilson, & Parkersburg South (South was a 1-year deal due to missing Powerade last season)
Buckhannon Upshur
Cabell Midland
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
Fairmont Senior JV
George Washington
Greenbrier East
Hyndman (PA)
Lewis County
Meyersdale (PA)
North Marion
Oak Hill
Preston County
Ritchie County
Riverbend (VA)
Roane County
Spring Mills
Spring Valley
Waynsburg (PA)
As far as I know RCB is attending the winners choice. Unless something has changed in a week.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I wonder if the matt maids will have to pay to get in this year.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
This looks to be a very good tournament!
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Waynsburg PA has a very good team especially at 120 132 138 152 and 170.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
noshowjoe wrote:Waynsburg PA has a very good team especially at 120 132 138 152 and 170.
I'd say Waynsburg is the favorite to win it.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I wanted to post something to get this wonderful tournament back on the 1st page. All the rhetoric in the other topics seems to have allowed us to forget that it begins tomorrow. Good luck to all the wrestlers participating.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Amen ol'dad. Winners Choice is gonna be a GREAT Tournament. Instead of all the negatives, let's start talking about some match-ups...first off !!!! Any Bracket info for us to look at yet ? Street address ? So I can Google it. Is there a site for live updates ? Let's get excited for these athletes.. SAFE TRAVELS TO ALL !
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I know the seed meeting is tonight, will the seeds be posted? I hope so. One other factor, is nasty weather coming Saturday, hope it holds off.
Re: Winners Choice Matches
There is this, which I recalled from last year and has a setup for this year, but its not been updated.
There is this, which I recalled from last year and has a setup for this year, but its not been updated.
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:54 pm
Re: Winners Choice Matches
I can find brackets and live results online for any tournament in Ohio, PA,or even Kentucky , but not for one of the biggest tournaments in WV. I can check up on the Huntington, Ripley and Saint Albans kids who are at Top Gun in Alliance or the Independence guys at VA Duals, but can't find out what's going on at a tournament in Fairmont.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:03 am
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Why are the Hensons boys wrestling out of PA and not here in WV
Re: Winners Choice Matches
KennyFPowers wrote:I can find brackets and live results online for any tournament in Ohio, PA,or even Kentucky , but not for one of the biggest tournaments in WV. I can check up on the Huntington, Ripley and Saint Albans kids who are at Top Gun in Alliance or the Independence guys at VA Duals, but can't find out what's going on at a tournament in Fairmont.
Got and click WV. You’re welcome
Re: Winners Choice Matches
Results of tonight’s wrestling?
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