Her-Story Girls Tourney Friday 1/24 in Fayetteville, WV
Her-Story Maker
Girls HS/MS Wrestling Tournament
When: Friday, January 24'th, 2025
Fayette County Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Building, 200
W Maple Ave, Fayetteville, WV
Weigh-ins: 2:00 PM
Start time: 3:00 PM
HS Weights:100, 107, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 165, 185, 235
MS Weights: Madison Weight System (Pending interest)
Entry Fee: $25 per wrestler/ $150 per Team of 6 or more. Make checks payable to
Oak Hill HS Wrestling Boosters)
Deadline: Register on or before January 22, 2025
$5 per adult, $3 per student
We will consider a Girls MS division if enough
interest is shown.
Medals will be awarded for the top 3 in each weight class, as well as plaques for top 2 teams.
OW: HS Outstanding Wrestler award for 100-132 and from 138-235
Format: Bracketed tournament. Round Robins will be implemented for weight classes of 4 or less.
If you would like to include your team/wrestlers, please contact David Vincent at vincentdavidm17@gmail.com or 304-590-7288 or John McGinnis at chiefl0fdm@gmail.com or 304-421-4643
Concessions will be provided throughout the tournament along with a hospitality room for the
HER-STORY Girls Tourney
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