Virginia High School Wrestling

2024-25 WV-Mat Junior High/Middle School Academic All-State / Honor Roll

We congratulate West Virginia Middle School students who have demonstrated success in the classroom as well as on the wrestling mat.

Wrestlers and members of the team support staff* with a GPA of 3.6 or better for the first semester/term of the current year or cumulative average are hereby named to the WV-Mat Junior High/Middle School Academic All-State Team. Those with a GPA of 3.0 to 3.59 for the first semester/term of the current year or cumulative average are hereby named to the WV-Mat Junior High/Middle School Academic Honor Roll.

All State
Logan Andis, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Jacob Backus, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Jude Benson, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Noah Benson, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Duncan Bishop, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Trey Brown, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Presley Buckley, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Mark Callow, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Cam Chapman, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Holly Conrad, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Levi Coulter, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Brycen Craft, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Joey Croston, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Cole Diaz, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Dante Dionisio, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Ethan Drvar, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Liam Eye, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Mase Fleming, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Blake Hansen, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Noah Heaster, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Jacob Hensley, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Peyton Hewitt, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Kolton Holderby, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Chance Johnson, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Kase Keller, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Jacob Kinder, John Adams Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Gabe Law, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Wyatt Lawson, Spencer Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Micah Mayle, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Kaitlyn McMillen, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Mason Monseau, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Taven Pena, Spencer Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Sophia Pesic, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Ziggy Povenski, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Calen Rankin, John Adams Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Patrick Rankin, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Parker Redmond, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Sawyer Rose, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Sampson Scott, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Brayden Shannon, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Christofer Simpson, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Zachery Staggs, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Andrew Starskick, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Adrian Stewart, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Kadence Stout, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Sophie Surprise, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, support staff
Blaine Taylor, Warm Springs Middle School, wrestler
Casey Twigg, Warm Springs Middle School, wrestler
Evan Ulrich, Fayetteville PK-8, wrestler
Mason Weaver, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Easton Williams, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Landon Williams, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Masen Wine, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Lenox Wolfe, Spencer Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler

Honor Roll
Aedan Bartley, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Brantlee Bowers, Warm Springs Middle School, wrestler
Keenan Brown, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
William Brown, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Rowan Buysse, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Dillan Carper, Spencer Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Joe Coon, Spencer Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Lvish Datta, Warm Springs Middle School, wrestler
Mayson Evans, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Gabriel Gallagher, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Jason Goodnite, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Clifford Gray, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Darren Hall, Spencer Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Ashton Henry, Warm Springs Middle School, wrestler
Bryson Imler, John Adams Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Aiden Jones, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Corbin Leiker, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Riley Lincoln, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Gracie Looney, Spencer Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Evan Means, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Hayden Miles, John Adams Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Cameron Morris, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Kaan Nalcakan, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Everett Newborn, John Adams Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Logan Patrick, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 6th grade, wrestler
Colton Payne, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Landon Shy, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Jaysee Slack, East Bank Middle School, wrestler
Prestin Smith, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Cohen Sword, John Adams Middle School, 7th grade, wrestler
Ashton Thompson, Mountaineer (Mon) Middle School, 8th grade, wrestler
Ryan Vance, East Bank Middle School, wrestler

* Support staff includes team managers, statisticians, Mat Maids, student trainers, and other members of the team support staff.
Index for WV-Mat Academic Awards, All Years
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Updated 3/4/2025