2019-20 WV-Mat Academic All-State Team
We congratulate West Virginia High School students who have
demonstrated success in the classroom as well as in the wrestling program.
Those wrestlers and members of the team support staff* with a
GPA of 3.7 or better for the first semester/term of the current year or cumulative average are hereby named to the WV-Mat Academic All State Team.
Michael Achter, Musselman
Caiden Adams, Oak Glen
Sawyer Adkins, Cabell Midland
Logan Allen, Senior, Philip Barbour
Braxton Amos, Senior, Parkersburg South
Zach Anderson, Fairmont Senior
Sidney Apanowicz, Fairmont Senior
Dominick Armistead, Fairmont Senior
Gabriella Baker, Senior Mat Maid, Keyser
Matthew Bakos, University
Nick Ball, Point Pleasant
Colton Barker, Chapmanville Regional
Alyssa Barnes, Doddridge County
Camden Barr, Oak Glen
Justin Bartee, Point Pleasant
Parker Bentley, Musselman
Shaylee Bishop, Senior Manager, Ritchie County
Riley Boley, St. Marys
Berklee Bonecutter, Point Pleasant
Brent Bosley, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Sean Bright University HS
Stevie Bunting Musselman High School
Adam Burnside Doddridge County High School
Reese Burnside Doddridge County High School
Trystan Burrows, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Trenton Bush Lewis County High School
Max Camilletti, Brooke
Elizabeth Carman, Senior, John Marshall HS
Timmy Cargill University HS
Gabe Carman, John Marshall HS
Alex Cavendish Nitro High
Pearl Chambers, John Marshall HS
Connor Chapman, Cabell Midland HS
Addy Childers, Senior Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Jude Childers, Sophomore, Parkersburg South
Landon Chambers, Sophomore, wrestler Shady Spring
Ty Chapman, Cabell Midland HS
Reis Clark Musselman High School
Ryleigh Corwin Fairmont Senior HS
Crimson Cochran Point Pleasant HS
Robert Coleman, Senior, Support Staff, Shady Spring
Brayden Connolly Point Pleasant HS
Ethan Cook, John Marshall HS
Gage Cosner Musselman High School
Emma Daley, Senior Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Eric Darnold, Senior, Ritchie County
Jeremy Darnold, Sophomore, Ritchie County
Adam Davis, Senior, Ritchie County
Nate Decker St Marys
Braydon Demaria, Brooke
Brooke Detrick Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Jackson Dingess, Senior, Ritchie County
Antonio Donda Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Braxton Dlugopolski Oak Glen
Devin Easton, Junior, Parkersburg South
Colin Edwards Musselman High School
Courtney Ellifritz Junior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Hannah Felton Sophomore Mat Maid Keyser HS
Parker Field, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Madelyn Fisher Freshman Mat Maid Keyser HS
Zach Frazier Fairmont Senior HS
Will Frampton Nitro High
Mackandle Freeman Point Pleasant HS
Mitchell Freeman Point Pleasant HS
Peyton Girard St Marys HS
Tianna Godbey-Cook, Senior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Genavive Grant Musselman High School
Aidan Green Fairmont Senior HS
Merle Groteluschen Point Pleasant HS
E.J. Guy Sophomore Wrestler Keyser HS
Marissa Guy Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Peyton Hall Oak Glen
Will Hall University HS
Alex Harbert, John Marshall HS
Thomas Hardy Sophomore Wrestler Keyser HS
Ally Harper Point Pleasant HS
Aubrey Harrison Fairmont Senior HS
Tyler Harrison Fairmont Senior HS
Autumn Heavener Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Brady Hemp Musselman High School
Gabe Hendershot, Junior, Parkersburg South
Kira Henderson Point Pleasant HS
Parker Henderson Point Pleasant HS
Emily Herron Lewis County High School
Sierra Hester Junior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Seth Holt, Cabell Midland HS
Adam Holton Cabell Midland HS
Chase Hood, Ravenswood HS, Senior, Wrestler
Alea Horner Sophomore Mat Maid Keyser HS
Wiley Houser St Marys
Kellen Hunt, Cabell Midland HS
Stephen Hunter, Brooke
Bianca Jamen Lewis County High School
Joseph Johnson Sophomore Wrestler Keyser HS
Addison Jones, Junior Manager, Ritchie County
Jordan Jones, Sophomore, Ritchie County
Madison Jones Fairmont Senior HS
Trent Jones, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Luke Jordan University HS
Logan Kackley Musselman High School
Gwinevere Kackley Musselman High School
Jesse Kargol Calhoun County senior
Corey Kasun Sophomore Wrestler Keyser HS
Claire Keefer Point Pleasant HS
Adam Kephart Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Molly Kephart Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Houston Kessel, Ravenswood HS, Junior, Wrestler
Jamie Kilmer Musselman High School
Ethan Kincaid Point Pleasant HS
Savanna King Lewis County High School
Creed Knight, Junior, Ritchie County
Heath Knight, Freshman, Ritchie County
Kaleb Kovacs, Senior, Ritchie County
Chloe Lambert Point Pleasant HS
Brady Layman, Junior, Ritchie County
Caitlin Leatherman Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Oscar Lemus, Sophomore, Parkersburg South
Griffen Leombruno, Morgantown High School
Rebecca Lemasters John Marshall HS
Joel Linzy, Junior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Jackson Lovell, Parkersburg South
Angelo Manzo Fairmont Senior HS
Dominic Marandola Musselman High School
Hank Marlin, Morgantown
Joey Marsh, Junior, Philip Barbour
Ryan Martin, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Aiden Maze, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Ben McCardle, John Marshall HS
Grace McFarland, mat maid St Marys HS
Maddison McKenzie Senior Mat Maid Keyser HS
Turner McKenzie, University
Hunter Melvin, Junior, Philip Barbour
Samantha Miller, Senior, Parkersburg South
Will Miller, University
Brock Mitchell Lewis County High School
Jacob Muncy Point Pleasant HS
Isaiah Morris, Senior, Ritchie County
Shyan Morris, Sophomore Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Sean Murray University HS
John Nikki Nicholson, Ravenswood, Senior, Wrestler
Caleb Nuzum, Junior, Philip Barbour
Julia O'Neil, Musselman
Olivia Ott Point Pleasant HS
Grant Oxley University HS
Brandon Parrell, Cabell Midland HS
Mason Pauley University HS
Brendan Pattison Senior Wrestler Keyser HS
Zach Paxton Herbert Hoover HS
Paige Persinger, Junior, Support Staff, Calhoun County
Kara Phillips, Sophomore Manager, Philip Barbour
Joseph Powers Doddridge County High School
Kayden Procacina, Senior, Ritchie County
Gavin Quiocho, Junior, Parkersburg South
Hunter Racey Doddridge County High School
Marin Rader, Freshman Manager, Ritchie County
Cameron Reese, Brooke
Aden Riddle Lewis County High School
Audrey Robinson, Freshman, 3.7 John Marshall HS
Emma Robinson Sophomore Mat Maid Keyser HS
Mikayla Satow, Freshman Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Cyleigh Sampson, Sophomore Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
James Sellards, Freshman, wrestler, Shady Spring
Savannah Sellers Musselman High School
Chris Sencindiver, Musselman
Matthew Shahan, Junior, Philip Barbour
Josie Shobe, Point Pleasant
Danielle Simmons, Freshman, wrestler, Shady Spring
Kylie Slager Fairmont Senior HS
Christopher Smith Point Pleasant HS
Loralei Smith, Cabell Midland HS
Maggi Smith Fairmont Senior HS
Casch Somerville, Senior, Parkersburg South
Garret Spohn, Morgantown High School
Rylee Staggs Freshman Mat Maid Keyser HS
Jake Staud University HS
Addyson Stein Point Pleasant HS
Wayne Stephenson, Ravenswood HS, Senior, Wrestler
Grant Sterns Calhoun County sophomore
Jackson Stewart, Cabell Midland HS
Desi Stoey Musselman High School
Sierra Stoey Musselman High School
Matt Sweeney, Senior, wrestler, Shady Spring
Taven Swick Musselman High School
Carly Taberner, Sophomore Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Ethan Tanner, Ravenswood HS, Sophomore, Wrestler
Kendall Thatcher, Freshman, John Marshall HS
Corbin Turney University HS
Jillian Timberlake Musselman High School
Ben Tower University HS
Matthew Tschappat, John Marshall HS
Jessie Walker, (Manager) Morgantown High School
Ryan Ward, John Marshall HS
Zoey Watson Point Pleasant HS
Elyssa West, mat maid St Marys HS
Kyle Wheeler, Freshman, Parkersburg South
Audrey Williams Freshman Mat Maid Keyser HS
Austin Williams, Brooke
Connor Wiseman, Cabell Midland HS
Sydney Worrells, Freshman, Support Staff, Shady Spring
Scott Worstell Nitro High
Mathieu Wright, John Marshall HS
Kendra Yocum, Junior Mat Maid, Parkersburg South
Cesar Zilleruelo Musselman High School
*Support staff includes team managers, statisticians, Mat Maids,
student trainers, and other members of the team support staff.
Index for WV-Mat Academic Awards, All Years
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